Notes On Important Topics
- Article 323-A of the Constitution.
- Administrative Tribunals, their Constitution, powers,jurisdiction.
- Procedure under the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 along with the provisions of the Administrative Tribunals (Amendment) Act, 2006
- Services under the Union and the States (Articles 309-311) and Article 320
- Compulsory retirement
- Probation
- Deputation.
- Major and Minor Penalties
- Conduct and procedure of disciplinary departmental enquiries
- Preliminary inquiry, charge sheet, Statement of defence inspection and supply of copies of documents
- Production of evidence
- Appointment of enquiry officer
- Enquiry report
- Hearing if any on the question of penalty and final competent authority
- Special reference to CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965)
Suggested Readings:
1. A.S. Bhatnagar : Guide to Departmental Problems Enquiries, Punishment & Appeal
2. G.V. Singh : Law of Suspension, Penalties and Departmental Enquiries
3. Muthu Swami : Departmental Proceedings
4. Babita Devi, Service laws in India
5. A.S. Ramchandaran : Law relating to Departmental Enquiries
6. Narinder Kumar : Law relating to Government Services and Management of Discipline