
The Legal Point

Model Code of Conduct (MCC): The Elections Code.

The ECI published the MCC as a series of rules ...

Money Laundering: The Political Tool

The process of hiding or masking the identity of proceeds ...


Section 303 of CrPC and Article 21- Supreme Court’s decision in Mithu Case

The question which arose for consideration in the case was whether section 303 of the Indian Penal Code infringes the ...

Right to freedom to assemble peaceably and without arms and Criminal Law

Under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution, all citizens shall have the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression and ...

Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul on Artistic Freedom and Obscenity

The article is an excerpt from the judgment of Justice Kishan Kaul in Maqbul Fida Hussain v. Rajkumar Pandey (2008) ...

Case where Supreme Court struck down Section 118 of Indian Succession Act terming it discriminatory against Christians

Christians were aggrieved by the discriminatory treatment meted out to members of Christian community under the Indian Succession Act, 1925 ...

Charitable Trusts for the Advancement of Religion- Origin of Concept

Section 14 of the Transfer of Property Act rule against perpetuity as substantive law in India. It is, however, an ...

Rule of Exclusion of Documents as Evidence on the Ground of Public Policy

The English decisions in Duncan v. Cammell Laird & Co[1]; Conway v. Rimmer & Anr.[2]; and Rogers v. Home Secretary[3] ...

Book Reviews

When Rousseau was talking about binding force of chain, he would have probably in mind the right of freedom and ...
Some days ago, speaking at a book launch event, our Chief Justice appealed the journalist to do ‘Investigative Journalism’, according ...
“The visuals on the scene were horrific, to say the least. The big hand of ‘Breaking News’ was displayed on ...
‘Lady Chatterley’s lover’ was the novel due to which supreme court examined the law of obscenity in 1965 in rajneet ...
I first heard about Asaram, when my best friend told me that she had won a competition back in school ...


Cinque Terre
Legal World Sketches by TheLawmatics. Original Sketches. Click Here for more
Criminalization of Politics a session with Advocate S.A Khemka. Click Here for more
Northern Lights
Interactive session about the current topic of CAA,NPR and NRC.Click Here for more

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