Section 303 of CrPC and Article 21- Supreme Court’s decision in Mithu Case

The question which arose for consideration in the case was whether section 303 of the Indian Penal Code infringes the ...

Right to freedom to assemble peaceably and without arms and Criminal Law

Under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution, all citizens shall have the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression and ...

Trial in the Absence of the Counsel of the Accused is not Fair Procedure

The Supreme Court in the case Md Sukur Ali v. State of Assam (2011) analysed the law on the point ...

Supreme Court on Artistic Freedom in India- Maqbool Fida Hussain Case

From the dawn of civilization, India has been home to a variety of faiths and philosophies, all of which have ...

Standards to be kept in Mind while Judging Obscenity Cases- SC in Maqbool Fida Hussain Case

The Court in Maqbool Fida Hussain v. State of Maharashtra discussed the standard to be kept in mind while judging ...

Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul on Artistic Freedom and Obscenity

The article is an excerpt from the judgment of Justice Kishan Kaul in Maqbul Fida Hussain v. Rajkumar Pandey (2008) ...

Justice Madan B. Lokur on Rights of Victims

The article is an excerpt from the judgment Mallikarjun Kodagali (Dead) vs The State of Karnataka Rights of Victims of ...

Justice Krishna Iyer on Fair Procedure in Criminal Justice System

The article is an excerpt from the judgment of Madhav Hayawadanrao Hoskot v. State of Maharashtra Procedure established by law ...

Case where Supreme Court struck down Section 118 of Indian Succession Act terming it discriminatory against Christians

Christians were aggrieved by the discriminatory treatment meted out to members of Christian community under the Indian Succession Act, 1925 ...

Origin of Zoroastrian Religion and their Arrival in India- In Brief

Six Amasha Sapentas Zoroastrian religion is a revealed religion. It was revealed to Zoroaster or, as he is sometimes called, ...

Muktad Days in Parsis

The Three Fundamental Beliefs of Zoroastrianism The Zoroastrian religion, also known as Mazdayasna, centers around three fundamental beliefs, or the ...

Concept of Furohurs in Zoroastrian Religion

One of the most solemn ceremonials enjoined by the religion promulgated by Zoroaster is the performance of certain religious ceremonies ...

Charitable Trusts for the Advancement of Religion- Origin of Concept

Section 14 of the Transfer of Property Act rule against perpetuity as substantive law in India. It is, however, an ...

Book Authorities in Zoroastrian Religion

21 Nasks It appears from the study of the literature now available to us that in the most ancient times ...

Rule of Exclusion of Documents as Evidence on the Ground of Public Policy

The English decisions in Duncan v. Cammell Laird & Co[1]; Conway v. Rimmer & Anr.[2]; and Rogers v. Home Secretary[3] ...

Standard of Proof of Corrupt Practice in Election Petitions

As regards the principles enunciated by Supreme Court regarding the nature and the standard of proof of corrupt practice alleged ...

Principles of Redemption of a Mortgage and Clog on Equity of Redemption

Mortgager should not be preventing from getting redemption of his Property In Pomal Kanji Govindji and Ors. v. Vrajalal Karsandas ...

Usufructuary Mortgage- General Principles

In Ram Kishan v. Shio Ram (2007), the court said that, “the provisions of the Act in respect of usufructuary ...

Admissibility and Evidentiary Value of Judicial Confession

In Balwinder Singh v. State of Punjab [1995 Supp. (4) SCC 259], Supreme Court stated the principle that an extra-judicial ...

The Meaning of ‘Status Quo’ in Property-related Orders

The parties are (or a party is) normally directed to maintain status quo in regard to a property, so that ...