What was the Philosophy to start Free Legal Aid Scheme in India?
The supreme court in the case of Hussainara Khatoon, directed the government to start free legal aid scheme in India. This case originated when a writ petition was filed to…
The supreme court in the case of Hussainara Khatoon, directed the government to start free legal aid scheme in India. This case originated when a writ petition was filed to…
Speedy trial was held by Supreme court in Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar an essential ingredient of ‘reasonable, fair and just’ procedure guaranteed by Article 21 and the constitutional…
This case originated when a writ petition was filed to release the prisoners who were languishing in the prison of State of Bihar, they had been in jail for periods…
Until current prison pathology is cured and prison justice restored, stone walls and iron bars will not solve the crime crisis confronting society today.
The soul of these twin litigations is the question, in spiritual terms, whether the prison system has a conscience in constitutional terms, whether prisoner, ipso facto, forfeits person- hood to…
The law is not abracadabra but at once pragmatic and astute and does not surrender its power before scary exaggerations of security by prison bosses. Alternatives to 'solitary' and 'irons'…
If simply put, handoff doctrine means that the courts shall not interfere in the work of executive, this doctrine developed in America. In India, this came for consideration in Sunil…
The emphasis on limited periods and hearing before punishment have been built into the procedure for punishment of solitary confinement. This is important when we consider whether any form of…
Charles Dickens That compassionate novelist, Charles Dickens, in his ‘American Notes and Pictures from Italy’ describes the congealing cruelty of ‘solitary confinement’ in a Pennsylvania Penitentiary (p. 99): “I am…
Basic prison decency is an aspect of criminal justice. And the judiciary has a constituency of which prisoners, ordered in by court sentence, are a numerous part. This vicarious responsibility…